How and where can I provide some feedback?

As part of a mentoring program or proactively learning from your network and colleagues, the opportunity to provide feedback on the process and your personal learning preferences and experiences is very valuable and a great way to make improvements.

As part of a mentoring program or proactively learning from your network and colleagues, the opportunity to provide feedback on the process and your personal learning preferences and experiences is very valuable and a great way to make improvements.

How does it work?

  • With Mentessa, you will have the opportunity to provide simple positive and negative feedback on each appointment you schedule with a colleague or mentoring partner through the platform.
  • You will also be invited to participate in a detailed feedback survey each month if you are participating in a mentoring or skill-sharing program.
  • Both of these types of feedback will be handled through automated emails that you will receive at the appropriate time.
  • In terms of product evaluation, you will also be asked if you would recommend Mentessa to a colleague or friend shortly after registering on the platform.

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