The two roles you will always find in Mentessa are User and Admin roles. Admins have special rights on the platform. For example, they can set up the community, activate and manage rituals, post videos and news, manage member roles, invite new participants, manually match members, etc. Admin functions are located in the settings area of the platform and are divided into several tabs.

Users can also participate and enroll in rituals and manually match themselves with other members through Self-Matching. This feature allows employees to quickly and easily request to collaborate with anyone in the community. They can also upload videos and news to the community if allowed by the admin.
In addition, Mentessa supports three roles: Mentor, Mentee, and Peer. These are used in the Mentoring Programs and only exist in communities where Mentoring Programs are running. In order to participate in a mentoring program, you must go through the Skills Matching ritual. The critical step in the enrollment process is to complete a mobile-friendly matching questionnaire. There you will select your preferred role in the mentoring program (e.g., mentor, mentee, or both) and complete the questionnaire to be matched with another employee.