How to set my availability and state my skills on Mentessa?

Setting your availability for skill sharing and mentoring is very important in order to book sessions with other members and create mentoring collaborations.

Setting your availability for skill sharing and mentoring is very important in order to book sessions with other members and create mentoring collaborations.

How does it work?

In order to set your availability and skills:
1. First, go to your Profile tab and click on “Availability”.

2. Next, set your availability by specifying the times when you are generally available for appointments with other members in order to share skills and mentor each other.

3. Click on “Save Changes”.

‍This is the most important part because without setting your availability, no bookings can be made by other members or your mentoring partner.

4. Finally, select Skills and fill in your skills. Don´t forget to click on “Save changes”.

‍Remember, you can type and enter to save your own terms that may not be a part of the list of suggestions yet. The listed options are only suggestions based on your colleagues’ input.

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