Matches on Mentessa facilitate seamless connection between coworkers, know-how exchange and learning from each other. Moreover, matches can be automated within a structured mentoring program. Alternatively, matching can be done manually on demand by the users themselves or the administrator of the community.
How do matches work?
There are three ways users can be matched on Mentessa:
- By enrolling in a Skills Matching ritual. This automated people-to-people workflow connects employees, so they can develop or learn new skills from each other. This ritual matches employees with the purpose to learn and develop their skills, which is meant to increase employee retention and engagement. Employees are matched based on the answers and information they provide in the matching questionnaire.
- By an admin. This feature consists of a manual introduction of members to each other. To foster new collaborations, for upskilling or for networking purposes, your community admin can manually match people.
- Through the Self-Matching feature. You can search for the right person in your community and manually request a match. Submitting the match request triggers a match suggestion via email. Once the other member accepts the match request, a collaboration board between you and your match is created on your Workboard tab.