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What ChatGPT can't do?

The rise of ChatGPT is shaking up the business world as we know it! Companies are reviewing their business models in light of this new technology and understandably, organizational leaders are concerned about their role in this changing environment. With the ability to perform tasks previously relied on by tools, it's natural to wonder - what can't ChatGPT do? In our newest blog post we are exploring the opportunities.

November 7, 2023
Tina Ruseva

In the past weeks every organization that cares for staying competitive has reviewed their business model in light of the launch of ChatGPT. Big tech companies rushed launching their own chatbots like Google Bard, launched ChatGPT integrations like Microsoft 365 Copilot. Meanwhile, startups have replaced the popular "powered by AI" marketing tag with a new one: "powered by ChatGPT."

The emergence of chatbot assistants is a groundbreaking development, as AI technology moves from the background to the forefront as a publicly available assistive tool. Algorithms have been quietly supporting us for years, aiding in tasks like finding the cheapest flight or matching us with job opportunities. With chatbots, we are on the verge of a new level of productivity - one that will transform the way we work.

Chatbots will liberate us from tedious, repetitive research and process assignments. They will unlock the collective intelligence of organizations, connecting us with the right data and insights in minutes. They will even help us format documents automatically, freeing up time for the creative, enjoyable parts of our jobs. As a result, our tools, processes, and workplaces will inevitably undergo disruption and change.

Organizational leaders are understandably concerned about their companies' role in this new environment. If ChatGPT can perform all the tasks that we previously relied on tools for, then those tools may become unnecessary. This raises the question: what ChatGPT can’t do?

The answer is: plenty! Here are a few examples.

  1. ChatGPT can't replace human interaction: While it can communicate with humans and provide information, it can't replace the nuanced, empathetic, and personal touch of human-to-human interaction. ChatGPT doesn’t understand nuances in language like sarcasm or humor.
  2. ChatGPT can't provide personal advice: While it can offer information and suggestions based on data and algorithms, it cannot provide personal advice or make decisions on behalf of a specific individual. So in terms of work employees will still need and seek advice from peers or qualified professionals for personal matters and professional development.
  3. ChatGPT can't create original ideas or concepts: While it can generate text based on the inputs it receives, it doesn't have original thoughts or ideas like humans do. As organizations thrice on the creativity of their teams, they will continue to need to foster bonds and integrate talent across department to stay innovative and competitive.
  4. ChatGPT can't have emotions: While it can spot emotions and (sometimes) respond appropriately, ChatGPT is a software and as such cannot experience emotions. As human beings we will still need to connect with real people in the workplace to feed the need of connection, find compassion, or share anger.
  5. ChatGPT can't make ethical judgments: It can provide background information and research opinions, but organizations will still need to bring the right people in order to take moral decisions, to do the right things.
  6. ChatGPT can't physically interact with the world: Eventually, as an AI language model, it exists entirely as lines of code running on a server. ChatGPT can't welcome a person on their first day in the office, it can’t go to a dinner with the team, or have a coffee chat.

Those are just a few examples that will guide the business model innovation in the upcoming weeks and months. While ChatGPT is an impressive technological advancement, human-to-human interaction provides creativity and emotional touch that no machine can replicate.  ChatGPT can offer information and suggestions based on data and algorithms, it cannot provide personal advice or make decisions on behalf of individuals. So chatbots won’t replace the unique capabilities and experiences that humans bring to the table. In fact, they will only make them more relevant.

To lead the next generation of disruption, organizations must continue to foster bonds and integrate talent across departments in order to remain innovative and competitive. Ultimately, it is the human connection and creativity that have always driven progress forward.

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