Inspire and engage

your talent

Give your organization the most supreme employee benefit – a personal mentor at work. Help your employees grow to not only achieve goals and learn new skills, but enable them to become mentors themselves. For companies dealing with remote workforce management, maintaining workplace engagement can be especially challenging, but Mentessa helps employers stay connected with their remote working employees.


How it works for you

and your organization

Attract top talent by offering real employee benefits that increase employee retention and provide employee assistance. And after you hire your star employees, ensure they remain engaged and have a welcoming experience through regular automated check-ins. It’s proven that when employees feel appreciated and valued at work, employee satisfaction and productivity improves. And for employers, this translates to fewer costs associated with onboarding new hires and contributes to an improved skill set acquisition for the workforce. Mentessa fosters an alternative learning culture that improves the employee journey and grows workplace engagement and employee retention within your company.


Set up your employee app


Select benefits


Invite employees to own their journey


Allow your talent to do more than just communicate.

Let them connect.

Scale – without the admin work. Employee engagement strategies are the key to a successful and productive workplace. Unlock and create a learning culture that enables employees to be passionate about their work, invested in their company, and ultimately more satisfied with their overall experience. Investing in workplace engagement and in an employee engagement solution like Mentessa helps keep employee satisfaction high and retain talented workers.


Built to fit your stack

Thanks to our algorithms, you don’t need to do anything else. Just sit back and watch your community build – no content required, and no moderation needed. Mentessa offers monitoring like feedback surveys and analytics data, so businesses have everything they need to increase the benefits of employee engagement initiatives and build an adaptive employee experience suitable for any situation!

We'd love to help you succeed!

The world is changing. And so is HR. Our mission is to help you and your projects succeed – be it with a small mentoring program or with strategic transformation demands. Tap into our experience of 100+ organizations. Let’s talk!

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